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Srimad Ribu Gita

Ribu Gita is the Essence of Advaita Vedanta, Which is the glory of all Vedas. The Ribu Gita originated from Skanda Purana, one of the other Eighteen Puranas. This outstanding Scripture was Compiled by Bhagavan Sri Vyasa Maharishi, later it was taught by Saint Ribu to his disciple Nithagan at Mount Kedarnath.

Saint Ribu taught Nithagan about supreme knowledge, as long as Nithagan did not gain self-awareness, so the saint is decided to visit him to know the state of his disciple. At that time the king was riding on an elephant. Nithagan was then standing aside in a crowded place with starvation,


Saint Ribu looked at  Nithagan and asked "Why are you standing here?"  

He replied, "The king is coming to the city, and I am standing aside because of the crowd." 

Saint Ribu asked, "Who is the king? and who are the other people in this crowd"? 

Nithagan looked at him and asked, "Do you have an eye?" and continued,

Sitting on the elephant is the king! and Other people are standing around him. " 

Saint said, he knew nothing! "You are pointing to the two things and saying one is an elephant

and the other is a king!" Which of these is an elephant? Which one is the king? Explain that to me. "   

Nithagan replied, "Sir! Below is the elephant, the one above is the king, what's wrong with that? 

Saint again questioned him, I do not understand this!" "What is above or below? Explain it". 

Nithagan jumped on the shoulders of  Sage Ribu with anger and said,

As the king sits above the elephant, I am above you now, and below is the elephant, here you are!

Do you understand now? "   

Saint Ribu said  just explain to me about "I" and "You", Only then, I can understand as well!.
After asking this question, immediately Nithagan understood that the person who came is his Guru.  Nithagan, bowed down and worshipped him with copious tears, then he requested him politely  to teach the knowledge of self once again. 

This book consists of 50 chapters, Contains 2493 slokas, written in Sanskrit. Brahmasri Bhikshu Shastri, also known as Sri Ulaganatha Swamigal, translated this book into the Tamil language in 44 chapters,

containing 1924 slokas.
"Advaita Vedanta" preaches Instability. That is, 

"The Undivided State of Brahman", 

"The soul is indistinguishable from Brahman" and 

"The unreal state of the world" 

There are various texts in the Vedas to teach Advaita Vedanta and many more saints have composed Advaita texts, the Ribu Gita narrates the concept as it is very concise and clear. Therefore this book is a special one of all Advaita texts.

"Sri Satguru Thuli Baba" rejoiced the entire book, which carried only 140 verses, composed under the name of "Swaya Gnananubhavam". Baba recommended this book to his beloved ones to recite it regularly. Baba has written various commentaries to explain every aspect of  Self-Realization.

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