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As the Incarnation of the "Maharishi Veda Vyasa", the great Sage "Brahmasri Vadivelu Swamigal" appeared himself to upswing our Gurudev to bestow the yearned souls.


While the Advaita experience is octagonal even for well-educated monks, it was taught to our Gurudev in a very experiential and reasonable way, proving that each and everyone, who has a deep longing for self-realisation, can realize and rejoice the Advaita philosophy. From an early age, our Gurudev was subjected to various trials, Baba was nurtured with the teachings of,

"There is nothing to be gained by mere Preaching",

"Our life should be a lesson to others" and

"It should be a lesson of Experience".

Eventually, Sri Vadivelu Swamigal transformed our Gurudev's life into the Ultimate Perfection and Experiential Wisdom Being.

And also the swami enlightened him with the knowledge of, "I", and "mine" are the cause of worldly sufferings, It is certainly possible to get rid of these endless griefs only through the grace of realised monks by surrendering  "You are Everything".

Swamigal strictly instructed our Gurudev that "You are here to uplift the Pure Souls, who are intended to attain the self", "You must not climb the ladder of Eternity" Gain this knowledge mere practicing Endless Patience, Forbearance, Acceptance, Forgetting the drawbacks of Others and Forgiving Jiva's without inquiring their faults and also notify that "There is no happiness for you except that, you should attain happiness only when you see your disciple who attains Eternity"  

As a stringent and loving father, Gracious Gurudev, Adoring Monk, who looked after the Wellness of Humanity, Gifted a Precious Gurudev to us. Swami was entirely convinced about his disciple and concluded to revoke his avatar on June 6, 1988. Swami's memorial was founded at his native place, which is situated in Thoothukudi a town in Tamilnadu, India.

When This was 16 years old, Sri Gurudev gave the first lesson.

Dear Child! Listen attentively:

Take care not to let the words ‘I’ and ‘mine’ ever enter your speech!

Instead, refer to yourself as ‘This’ or ‘That’ like an inert object.

The desire for property, wealth and women (carnal pleasures) must be dead in you.

‘You are everything’ must become your redeeming Mantra.

Don’t talk back or speak angry words to anyone.

While walking in the street, your sight should be restricted to 3 feet and your eyes

should not roam here and there.

Utter the Name of the Lord with every movement.

If you see any person with the religious mark of triple stripes of

holy ash or Tripundram on his forehead, you must fall prostrate at

his feet irrespective of time and place.

However learned you may be, never allow the pride of learning to sprout in you

(‘One who humbles himself alone will be uplifted’).

Don’t be deluded by external appearances! The mind should always be absorbed in the Self

and dissolve itself in the vision of the Self.

You should be a ladder helping others to reach the loft without yourself climbing up.

In the state of being a ladder, you should imbibe the qualities of patience,

selfrestraint, yielding to others, not finding fault and analyzing them,

acceptance and surrender, forgiving and forgetting their faults,

and thus become a worthy seat (support) for the Holy Feet of the devotees.

He gave his blessings by saying, “If you systematically imbibe these 10 points of instruction and humble yourself, the name ‘Thiruvadi’ (Holy Feet of the devotees) will suit you well.

The important thing is that you should be only a ladder or a boat.

   The boat itself will not go ashore;                         The ladder will not hoist itself onto the loft.

This must be your state of being. Your bliss will lie in the bliss of the devotees who plant their feet firmly on you to raise themselves. You have no individual bliss of your own at all.”

You are everything!

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