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This is the Spontaneous Experience of an Earnest Disciple in the state of  "ETERNITY"


Even after twenty-four years and after countless years of accomplishments the disciple realizes that he has not attained the ultimate knowledge, which is known only through the mind, not by the experience. So, he prays with a melting heart, copious tears, unbearable grief and unrelenting longingness for wisdom, then the Gurudev warmly educate him that,

My Dear Child,

 "Nothing is here, to be done", "Nothing is here to be achieved"

"Being is One!", "Whatever happening here is for our welfare !"

"Accept this Truth and Stay Peacefully"!

The disciple is contemplating this truth continuously, at the same time,  he is undergoing Prararabda without any pairs of opposites. In due course of time without any practice or effort the disciple will be abiding in the Eternity bestowed by "Sri SatGurudev"  in the state of


The Spontaneous Experience of the Self 

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